Xiamen, China
June 19-20, 2010
Program Summary
(Updated on June 18, 2010)
June 18
09:00-23:00 Registration
Venue: Jinyan Restaurant Foyer
June 19
8:00am-8:30am: Opening Ceremony
Venue: Conference Hall (3F) of Science and Arts Center
Chair: Yongmiao Hong (President of Chinese Economists Society, Cornell University )
· Chongshi Zhu (President of Xiamen University)
· Hua Chen ( Vice Governor of Fujian Province)
· Xiumao Chen ( Chairman of Xiamen People's Political Consultative Conference)
8:30am-8:45am Group Photo
8:45am-10:15am: Keynote Session I
Venue: Conference Hall (3F) of Science and Arts Center
· Siwei Cheng (Chinese Academy of Sciences), On the Recent Development of Chinese Economy
· Kaushik Basu (Chief Economic Adviser to the Government of India), “A Simple Model of the Financial Crisis of 2007-9”
10:15am-10:30am: Coffee Break
10:30am-12:30pm: Parallel Sessions
E1 China’s Exchange Rate
Venue: Room 404 Jiageng Building-1
E2 Social and Economic Consequences of China’s One-Child Policy
Venue: Room 408 Jiageng Building-1
E3 Experimental Economics I: Investment and Dictator Games
Venue: Room 301 Jiageng Building-1
E4 Asymmetric Information and Learning
Venue: Room 302 Jiageng Building-1
E5 Health, Nutrition and Education in China
Venue: Room 410 Jiageng Building-1
E6 China's Economic Development: Experiences and Challenges
Venue: Room 501 Jiageng Building-2
E7 Agricultural Supply and Productivity in China
Venue: Room 307 Jiageng Building-2
E8 China and Globalization
Venue: Room 502 Jiageng Building-2
E9 Economic Issues of Taiwan and Hong Kong
Venue: Room 513 Jiageng Building-2
E10 Labor and Wages in Greater China
Venue: Room 514 Jiageng Building-2
Chinese Sessions
C1 Industrial Economics and Policy
Venue: Room 2 (19F) Jiageng Building-3
C2 Real Estate and Stock Markets
Venue: Room 6 (16F) Jiageng Building-3
C3 Household Consumption and Health
Venue: Room 514 Jiageng Building-3
12:30pm: Gather at the Front Gate of Science and Arts Center
12:45pm-2:15pm: Welcome Banquet by Xiamen Municiple Government at Seaview Resort on the Ring Road
2:15pm- Leave for Xiamen University
2:30pm-4:00pm: Keynote Session II
Venue: Concert Room (2F) of Science and Arts Center
· Eric Maskin (Nobel Laureate, Institute for Advanced Study at Princeton University), “Financial Crises: Why They Occur and What to Do about Them”
· Luoling Wang (Chinese Academy of Social Sciences), “Macroeconomic Issues”
2:30pm-4:00pm: Elsevier Author Workshop “How to Prepare Manuscripts for International Journals”
Venue: Multifunction Hall (1F) of Science and Arts Center
· Philip H. Brown (Colby College, USA), Co-editor of China Economic Review
· Belton M. Fleisher (Ohio State University, USA), Executive Editor of China Economic Review
· Dennis Yang (Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong), Editorial Board Member of China Economic Review
· Xiaobo Zhang (International Food Policy Research Institute, USA), Co-editor of China Economic Review
4:00pm-4:30pm: Coffee Break
4:30pm-6:30pm: Parallel Sessions
E11 Family, Marriage and Labor Market in China
Venue: Room 408 Jiageng Building-1
E12 Food Safety Issues for Consumers and Producers
Venue: Room 301 Jiageng Building-1
E13 Experimental Economics II: Allocation via Pricing Mechanisms
Venue: Room 302 Jiageng Building-1
E14 Income and Consumption in Rural China
Venue: Room 410 Jiageng Building-1
E15 Exchange Rates and Financial Crisis
Venue: Room 502 Jiageng Building-2
E16 Financial Crisis and Contagion
Venue: Room 307 Jiageng Building-2
E17 Industrial Organization and Game Theory
Venue: Room 513 Jiageng Building-2
E18 Determinants of China's Economic Performance
Venue: Room 501 Jiageng Building-2
E19 Regional Developments and Disparities in China
Venue: Room 514 Jiageng Building-2
E20 Public Economics
Venue: Room 2 (19F) Jiageng Building-3
Chinese Sessions
C4 Banking and Corporate Donations
Venue: Room 6 (16F) Jiageng Building-3
C5 Exchange Rates
Venue: Room 7 (16F) Jiageng Building-3
C6 Rural Economic Development
Venue: Room 514 Jiageng Building-3
4:00pm – 4:30pm: PI Poster Session I
Venue: Corridor (2F) of Science and Arts Center
6:30pm- Gather at the Front Gate of Science and Arts Center, leave for Jinyan Hotel
7:00pm-8:30pm: Dinner
8:00pm-9:30pm: Boat Tour of Lu River (A night view of Xiamen Harbor and City)
(Free for all conference registrants and their family members)
June 20
8:30am-10:00am: Keynote Session III
Venue: Concert Room (2F) of Science and Arts Center
· Gregory Chow (Princeton University,), “Important Lessons from Studying the Chinese Economy”
· Dwight Perkins (Harvard University), “Rapid Growth and Changing Economic Structure: The Expenditure Side Story and its Implications for China”
8:30am-10:00am: Round Table Forum on Financial Cooperations across the Taiwan Strait
Venue: Multifunction Hall (1F) of Science and Arts Center
· Mr. Victor Kung (President of Fubon Holdings).
· Chi Schive, Chairman of Taiwan Stock Exchange
· Min-Juh Hwang, Chairman of Chinese Taiwan Securities Association
· Kenneth Shih, Vice Chairman of Fubon Life Insurance
· Gang Shyy, Chairman of Fubon Futures
10:00am-10:30am: Coffee Break
10:30am-12:30pm: Parallel Sessions
E21 Dams and Economic Development: Evidence from Nu River Valley, Yunnan
Venue: Room 404 Jiageng Building-1
E22 Macro-Finance
Venue: Room 410 Jiageng Building-1
E23 Information, Competition and Compensation
Venue: Room 301 Jiageng Building-1
E24 Theories of Development and Social Security
Venue: Room 302 Jiageng Building-1
E25 Marriage and Social Networks
Venue: Room 408 Jiageng Building-1
E26 Asset Pricing
Venue: Room 307 Jiageng Building-2
E27 Migration and Ethnicity: Evidence from China and Canada
Venue: Room 502 Jiageng Building-2
E28 Stock Market Volatility
Venue: Room 501 Jiageng Building-2
E29 Employment and Income Inequality
Venue: Room 513 Jiageng Building-2
E30 Empirical Studies of International Trade
Venue: Room 514 Jiageng Building-2
Chinese Sessions
C7 Wages, Productivity and Globalization
Venue: Room 2 (19F) Jiageng Building-3
C8 Public Economics and Policy
Venue: Room 6 (16F) Jiageng Building-3
C9 Environmental Protection and Government Assistance to Farmers
Venue: Room 514 Jiageng Building-3
10:30am-11:00am: PII Poster Session II
Venue: Corridor (2F) of Science and Arts Center
12:30pm-2:00pm: Lunch
2:30pm-4:00pm: Keynote Session IV
Venue: Room201 Jiageng Building-2
· Ravi Kanbur (Cornell University), “Protecting the Poor Against the Next Crisis”
· Barry Naughton (University of California, San Diego), “How Has the Chinese Economic System Responded to the Global Financial Crisis?”
2:00pm-3:30pm: Keynote Session V
Venue: Room102 Jiageng Building-1
· Shouyang Wang (Chinese Academy of Sciences), “TEI@I Methodology and its Applications to Economic Forecasting”
· Wing Thye Woo (University of California, Davis), “China Should Abandon the Usual Type of Macro-Stimulus after 2010 and Adopt New Growth Drivers”
3:30pm-4:00pm: Coffee Break
4:00pm-6:00pm: Parallel Sessions
E31 Climate Change and Environmental Protection
Venue: Room501 Jiageng Building-2
E32 Role of Risk and Insurance in Chinese Agriculture
Venue: Room513 Jiageng Building-2
E33 Experimental Economics III: Reputation and Behavior
Venue: Room514 Jiageng Building-2
E34 Monetary and Fiscal Policy
Venue: Room108 Jiageng Building-1
E35 Empirical Industrial Organization
Venue: Room502 Jiageng Building-2
E36 Stock Markets in China
Venue: Room109 Jiageng Building-2
E37 Banking and Credit
Venue: Room506 Jiageng Building-1
E38 Empirical Studies of Economic Growth
Venue: Room410 Jiageng Building-1
E39 Farmer Behavior and Agricultural Productivity in China
Venue: Room301 Jiageng Building-1
E40 Labor and Economic Development in Chinese Cities
Venue: Room302 Jiageng Building-1
Chinese Sessions
C10 Monetary Policy
Venue: Room408 Jiageng Building-1
C11 Old Age Security and Income Distribution
Venue: Room404 Jiageng Building-1
4:00pm-4:30pm: PIII Poster Session III
Venue: Next to Room 102 Jiageng Building-1
6:00pm-8:30pm: Gregory Chow Best Paper Awards and Farewell Dinner, TBA
June 21
Sight-Seeing Tour (Free for all conference registrants and their family members)
Option I:
8:30am-5:00pm: Tour to Hakka Valley (the “Earth Buildings”)
Option II:
8:30am-12:30pm: Tour to Gulangyu Island, Xiamen University