Microeconomics Workshop
WISE, Xiamen University (China), University of Antwerp (Belgium) and University of Lille 1 (France)
Xiamen, 16-17 June 2010
Venue: Economics Building D310, Xiamen University
16 June
9:00 Opening Remarks: Wim Meeusen, University of Antwerp
9:10 - 10:00 Keynote 1:
Wim Meeusen, “Whither the Microeconomic Foundations of Macroeconomic Theory?” University of Antwerp
Discussant: Ye Guo, School of Economics, Xiamen University
10:00 – 10:30 Coffee Break
10:30 - 11:50 Session 1
Chair: Jan Bouckaert, University of Antwerp
[1] Hubert Jayet, “Fiscal Competition and Heterogeneity”, University of Lille
[2] Brett Graham* and Dan Bernhardt, “Do-Nothing Extremists and Protection Against the Tyranny of an Unrepresentative Majority”, WISE, Xiamen University
12:00 Lunch (Yifu Building)
14:00-14:50 Keynote II:
Chair: Hubert Jayet, University of Lille
Jason Shachat, “Informational Price Cascades and Non-Aggregation of Asymmetric Information in Experimental Asset Markets”, WISE, Xiamen University
14:50-16:10 Session 2
Chair: Jason Shachat, WISE, Xiamen University
[1] Jan Bouckaert, “Price Competition Between Subsidized Organizations”, University of Antwerp
Discussant: Brett Graham, WISE, Xiamen University
[2] Lionel Ragot, “Carbon Tax and OPEC’s Rents Under a Ceiling Constraint”, University of Lille
16:10-16:40 Coffee Break
16:40-18:00 Session 3
Chair: Lei Meng, WISE, Xiamen University
[1] Stéphane Vigeant, “Returns to Scale and Regulation in DEA Models”, University of Lille
[2] Yafeng Wang* and Brett Graham, “Optimal Yardstick Rules Under Infinitely Repeated Competition”, WISE, Xiamen University
18:30 Dinner (Jiali Restaurant)
17 June
8:30-9:20 Keynote III:
Chair, Wim Meeusen, University of Antwerp
Calum G. Turvey, “Practical and Economic Considerations in the Delivery of Weather Insurance to Chinese Farmers”, Cornell University
9:20-10:40 Session 4
Chair: Calum G. Turvey, Cornell University
[1] Stijn Rocher, “Occupational Choice of Young Graduates: Do Generic Skills Matter?” University of Antwerp
[2] Hau Chyi and Bo Zhou*, "The Effect of Tuition Reforms on School Enrolment in Rural China", WISE, Xiamen University
10:40-11:10 Coffee Break
11:10-12:30 Session 5
Chair: Brett Graham, WISE, Xiamen University
[1] Hau Chyi and Shangyi Mao*, “The Determinants of Happiness of Chinas Elderly Population”, WISE, Xiamen University
[2] Lei Meng, “Can Grain Subsidy Impede Rural-Urban Migration in Hinterland China? Evidence from Field Surveys”, WISE, Xiamen University
12:30-14:00 Lunch (Yifu Building)
14:00 Relax and Sight-Seeing
Note: Author marked by ‘*’ is also the presenter of the paper.
List of participants:
Jan Bouckaert
University of Antwerp
Bruno De Borger
University of Antwerp
Brett Graham
WISE, Xiamen University
Yongmiao Hong
Cornell University
Hubert Jayet
University of Lille
Shangyi Mao
WISE, Xiamen University
Wim Meeusen
University of Antwerp
Lei Meng
WISE, Xiamen University
Lionel Ragot
University of Lille
Stijn Rocher
University of Antwerp
Jason Shachat
WISE, Xiamen University
Calum G. Turvey
Cornell University
Stéphane Vigeant
University of Lille
Yafeng Wang
WISE, Xiamen University
Bo Zhou
WISE, Xiamen University