Dear colleagues,
Over the last week since 2020 Spring Festival, the pneumonia outbreak caused by 2019 novel coronavirus (2019-nCoV) has been rapidlyevolving. According to the requirements of Central Leading Group for the Control of 2019-nCoV Outbreak, Ministry of Education and Fujian Provincial Government, XMU has decided to delay the commencement of 2019-2020 spring semester to control and prevent the epidemic as well as guarantee the health and safety of all students, faculty, and staff. The exact updated calendar of the spring semester and follow-up arrangements are to be decided. All faculty and administrative staff should return to the office on February 14 as scheduled. Under exceptional circumstances, anyone who fails to return to the office as required should communicate with the relevant department or apply for a leave of absence.
To ensure the education process during this unanticipated outbreak, XMU Economics hereby recommends that all instructors should commit to early preparation for the teaching of upcoming semester, including providing online learning materials for students, answering their questions online and training their self-learning abilities. All instructors are required to make the following preparations:
1. 请各位老师将各门课程大纲、按原定校历的教学进度表于2月14日前电子版提交至各教学秘书处,教学秘书将统一公布。待更新后的学期安排公布后,再提交和发布更新版的教学进度表。
Please send the electronic versions of all syllabi and course schedules (based on the original school calendar) to relevant teaching secretaries by February 14. The syllabi and course schedules will be announced together by secretaries. The updated course schedule can be resubmitted and released after the updated semester schedule is announced.
2. 请各位老师在2月17日前完成课程网站内容建设,目前厦门大学现行的课程内容发布平台包括http://l.xmu.edu.cn/(其中“l”为单词“learning”的首字母)或http://course.xmu.edu.cn等。使用流程参照附件。
Please complete the design of your course webpage through http://l.xmu.edu.cn/ (“l” is the first letter of “learning”) or http://course.xmu.edu.cn by February 17. The former site is user-friendly according to feedback of faculty and a guideline for its usage is provided in the the appendix.
After setting up the course webpage, please upload self-learning materials (including self-learning reference books, chapters and other course materials) for students every week and post the online office hours for Q&A. It is also encouraged to adopt video teaching and assign homework.
3. 请各门课程于2月17日前完成课程交流群组(建议使用课程网站公共讨论区、QQ或微信群)建设并将群组信息告知教学秘书,教学秘书统一汇总后发布给选课学生。(本科课程需于2月12日前完成)
Please create a course communication group by February 17 (You are adviced to use the public discussion groups of the teaching platform at l.xmu.edu.cn, QQ groups or WeChat groups.) and send the group setting information to teaching secretaries, who will release it to students.
4. 请各位教学秘书及时确认并跟进助教配备情况,已完成助教配备的课程,请通知助教及时协助教师开展线上教学材料准备工作。
Each teaching secretary should confirm and follow up the arrangement of teaching assistants (TAs) in time. Please also inform TAs to help instructors prepare online teaching materials.
5. 有条件的老师可以录制视频作为远程教学与辅导手段。视频录制推荐使用软件“ev录屏”(免费软件,可用于win/mac/安卓,https://www.ieway.cn/evcapture.html, 支持录制屏幕,如有需要也可以同步录制摄像头等),若需要录制板书但笔记本非触屏的,可根据个人教学习惯向经济学科技术中心借用surface或实物展台(联系电话:18959280709)。录制的视频,可以上传到课程平台(l.xmu.edu.cn)、厦大网盘(https://pan.xmu.edu.cn/ )或者优酷(可加密码限制范围)或百度网盘(可以加密码分享),考虑到开学后可能的大规模访问,建议使用商业平台以免堵塞。申请了慕课项目的老师,建议同步制作并发布。
Distance teaching is encouraged. A useful software, for example, is “ev Screen Recorder” (free of charge; compatible with win/mac/Android; https://www.ieway.cn/evcapture.html, which supports screen recording; if necessary, you can use camera simultaneously.). If you want to record your board writing but your laptop does not supportscreen-touch, you may borrow a Surface laptop or an exhibition platform from the Tech Center of XMU Economics (Phone: 18959280709). The recorded videos can be uploaded to course webpage ( http://l.xmu.edu.cn/), XMU net disk (https://pan.xmu.edu.cn/), Youku (audience could be restricted by password), or Baidu net disk (video encryption is suggested). Since many students may access to the videos after the opening of the new semester, you may considerto use commercial platforms to prevent network congestion. For instructors who have applied for a MOOC project, please also continue video recording and post videos online.
6. 需要举行小范围的Seminar讨论的老师,10人以下建议使用微信群视频、学习强国之强国视频会议,Skype多人视频,qq多人视频等。10人以上可以试用腾讯会议 https://meeting.qq.com/( 2020年1月24日起至疫情结束300人不限时)或zoom云会议系统(zoom.com.cn)。
For instructors who need to hold a seminar with a small group of participants less than 10 people, please use the video call function of WeChat group, Xuexi.cn, Skype, or QQ group, etc.; if there are more than 10 people, please try Tencent Meeting (https://meeting.qq.com/; online meetings with up to 300 participants for unlimited hours until January 24, 2020) or Zoom (zoom.com.cn).
Let us work together with solidarity for a successful new year ahead.