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作者:系统管理员 发布时间:2008-07-06
Dec 12 morning
Opening Ceremony
Chair: Yongmiao Hong 洪永淼 (yh20@cornell.edu) , Cornell University, USA
Welcome Speech
Keynote Session 1
Chair: Holger Bonin (bonin@zew.de) , Center for European Economic Research (ZEW)
1: "Cognitive Skills: Determinants and Labour Market Outcomes" Craig W. Riddell (criddell@interchange.ubc.ca) University of British Columbia [paper K2]
2: "Assessing Dualism and Institutional Insecurity in the Korean Labor Market" Joonmo Cho (trustcho@skku.edu) Sungkyunkwan University [paper K5]
Coffee Break
Parallel sessions 1 and 2
Session 1
East Asian Labor Market (English)
Chair: Joonmo Cho (trustcho@skku.edu) , Sungkyunkwan University
1: "Minimum wage and inequality in Korea" Minseong Kim (minseong@skku.edu) Sungkyunkwan University [paper 202]
2: "Korean Female Labor Force Participation" Joonmo Cho,  Kwangsuck Lee* and Yongil Jeon (kwanglee@skku.edu) Sungkyunkwan University [paper 203]
3: "The Effects of Vocational Training programs on Non-farming Income of Villagers--the Evidence from Rural Guangdong Province in China 职业技能培训对农村居民非农收入的影响---来自珠江三角洲的证据" Haigang Wang*, Shaoan Huang, Qin Li and Fengji Luo (haigangw@gmail.com) Central University of Finance and Economics 中央财经大学 [paper 25]
Session 2
Chinese Labor Market 1 (Chinese)
Chair: Xiangquan Zeng 曾湘泉 (zengxq@ruc.edu.cn) , Renmin University of China 中国人民大学劳动人事学院院长
1: "Technological Change and the Changing Wage Structure, 1989-2006 技术进步与工资结构变化,1989-2006" Zhong Wang (wangzhong19@126.com) WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院 [paper 101]
2: "Return to Skills and Gender Earning Differentials in Urban China 城镇地区的技能回报与性别收入差异" Chuliang Luo, Chunbing Xing * (luocl@163.com xingchunbing@gmail.com) Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,收入分配与贫困研究中心 [paper 72]
3: "Do Chinese Employers Discriminate against Females When Hiring Their Employees?” Guifu Chen*, Shigeyuki Hamori (cgf552288@yahoo.com.cn) Kobe University  [paper 34]
Dec 12 afternoon
2:00 pm-2:40pm
Keynote Session 2
Chair: Kwangsuck Lee (kwanglee@skku.edu) , Sungkyunkwan University
"Employment Agencies in China 劳动力市场中介" Xiangquan Zeng 曾湘泉 (zengxq@ruc.edu.cn) Renmin University of China中国人民大学劳动人事学院院长 [paper K4]
Parallel sessions 3 and 4
Session 3
Labor Demand and Discrimination (English)
Chair: Steven Stern (sns5r@virginia.edu) , University of Virginia
1: "Picking up the Losses: The Impact of Cultural Revolution on Human Capital Re-investment in Urban China " Jun Han*, Wing Suen and Junsen Zhang (hanjun@hku.hk) Hong Kong University  [paper 21]
2: "Vacancy Duration, Vacancy Characteristics and the Business Cycle: Evidence from Firm-level Data " Long-Hwa Chen, Tor Eriksson* (tor@asb.dk) Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus  [paper 67]
3: "Employer Preferences for Age, Gender and other Worker Characteristics: Evidence from a Chinese Internet Job Board" Peter Kuhn, Kailing Shen* (kailing.shen@gmail.com; klshen@xmu.edu.cn) WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院 [paper 102]
Session 4
Transition and Agglomeration (English)
Chair: Zhong Wang 王忠 (wangzhong19@126.com) , WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院
1: "Improving Labor Training Skills toward a New Era of Regional Labor Market Competition" Abdul Haris (haris601@gmail.com ) Jakarta State University, Indonesia [paper 206]
2: "Out-Migration and Grain Production in Rural China" Anqing Shi (ashi@worldbank.org) The World Bank  [paper 59]
4:10 pm-4:30pm
Coffee Break
Parallel session 5 and 6
Session 5
Immigration and Immigrants (English)
Chair: John Kennan (jkennan@ssc.wisc.edu) , University of Wisconsin Madison
1: "Why are the Relative Wages of Immigrants Declining_A Distributional Approach " Brahim Boudarbat* and Thomas Lemieux (brahim.boudarbat@umontreal.ca) University of Montreal  [paper 58]
2: "Immigrant and Native Children’s Cognitive Outcomes and the Effect of Ethnic Concentration in Danish Schools " Peter Jensen*, Astrid Wurtz (pje@asb.dk) Dept. of Economics , Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus  [paper 51]
3: "English Proficiency and Labour Supply of Immigrants in Australia " Peng Liu (peng.liu@anu.edu.au) Australia National University  [paper 96]
Session 6
Dec 13 morning
Keynote Session 3
1: "Structural Static Models" Steven Stern (sns5r@virginia.edu) University of Virginia [paper K3]
Parallel sessions 7 and 8
Session 7
Parents and Children (English)
Chair: Hau Chyi (hauchyi@gmail.com) , WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院
1: "Good Jobs, Bad Jobs and Welfare Independence" Hau Chyi (hauchyi@gmail.com) WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院 [paper 103]
2: "Women’s Labor Market Outcomes and Childbearing " Xia Li (lxia.33.shufe@gmail.com) Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 上海财经大学 [paper 71]
3: "The Effects of Childcare and Eldercare on the Changing Patterns of Chinese Women’s Work Lives--1982 to 2000 " Margaret Maurer-Fazio, Rachel Connelly, Chen Lan and Lixin Tang (mmaurer@bates.edu) Bates College and IZA  [paper 55]
Session 8
Education (English)
Chair: Tor Eriksson (tor@asb.dk) , Aarhus School of Business, University of Aarhus
1: "Parental Education and Children’s Wages: Evidence from China " Yuanyuan Chen*, Shuaizhang Feng (chyuan_98@yahoo.com) Shanghai University of Finance and Economics 上海财经大学 [paper 31]
2: "Equal Opportunity in Higher Education in Israel: Lessons from the Kibbutz " Moshe Justman, Yaakov Gilboa* (yaakovg@bgu.ac.il) Sapir College  [paper 4]
Coffee Break
Parallel sessions 9 and 10
Session 9
Program Evaluation in China (English)
Chair: Brahim Boudarbat (brahim.boudarbat@umontreal.ca) , University of Montreal
1: "Does Taking One Step Back Get You Two Steps Forward? Grade Retention and School Performance in Rural China " Xinxin Chen*, Yaojiang Shi, Weiwei Zhao and Scott Rozelle (xinxchen@sohu.com) Zhejiang Gongshang University 浙江工商大学 [paper 35]
2: "Educational Burden and Return, and Its Effect on Income Inequality in Rural China" Jiannan Guo*, Keith Cowling (J.Guo@swufe.edu.cn) RIEM, Southwest University of Finance & Economics and University of Warwick [paper 204]
3: "The Effects of the Health Insurance Availability on the Demand-side: An Impact Evaluation of China’s New Cooperative Medical Scheme " Binzhen Wu*, Jv Shi (wubzh@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn) Tsinghua University 清华大学 [paper 46]
Session 10
Chinese Labor Market 3 (Chinese)
Chair: Chunbing Xing 邢春冰 (xingchunbing@gmail.com) , Beijing Normal University 北京师范大学经济与工商管理学院,收入分配与贫困研究中心
1: "The Reservation Wage and Employment Probability of College Graduates in China 大学生的保留工资和就业概率" Yuqun Yao, Yimin Lu* (chinaluie@163.com) Renmin University of China (People’s University of China) 中国人民大学 [paper 94]
2: "A Quantile Regression Analytics of Income Gaps among Urban and Rural Households in China: 1988~2005 中国城乡家庭收入差异的分位数回归解析: 1988~2005" Jianbao Chen*, Jinghui Duan (jbjy2006@126.com) Xiamen University 厦门大学计划统计系 [paper 44]
3: "Impacts of Recent Economic Turbulence On Xiamen’s Export-Oriented Firms and Policy Recommendations 国内外经济形势的变化因素对厦门市外向型企业的影响及对策研究" Xiaowei Gong (stgxw@yahoo.com.cn; xwgong66@yahoo.com.cn;tonygxw@hotmail.com) Economic Research Institute, Xiamen [paper 205]
Dec 13 afternoon
2:00 pm-2:40pm
Keynote Session 4
Chair: Craig W. Riddell (criddell@interchange.ubc.ca) , University of British Columbia
1: "The Effect of Expected Income on Individual Migration Decisions" John Kennan (jkennan@ssc.wisc.edu) University of Wisconsin Madison [paper K1]
Parallel sessions 11 and 12
Session 11
Inequality and Income Distribution (English)
Chair: Kailing Shen 沈凯玲 (kailing.shen@gmail.com) , WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院
1: "Private Sector Growth, Employment and Income Distribution in Transition Economies " Zuzana Brixiova (zuzana.brixiova@oecd.org; zbrixiova@gmail.com) OECD  [paper 36]
2: "Urban-Rural Consumption Inequality in China from 1988 to 2002:Evidence from Quantile Regression Decomposition " Zhaopeng Qu*, Zhao Zhong (quzhaopeng@gmail.com) Beijing Normal University and IZA 北京师范大学 [paper 23]
3: "Cream-Skimmer or Underdog? A Pilot Study of Rural Labor Training Program in Zhejiang, China " Yiu Por Chen (ychen16@depaul.edu) DePaul University  [paper 20]
Session 12
Community and Poverty (English)
Chair: Tony Fang (tonyfang@yorku.ca) , York University
1: "The Labor Market Consequence of Housing Allowance Removal : Evidences from Sweden " Jie Chen (jiech@fudan.edu.cn) Fudan University 复旦大学 [paper 33]
2: "China’s Urban Poverty in the Danwei Communities: A Study of Two Post-industrialized Inland Cities " Zhiming Cheng (zcheng@efs.mq.edu.au) Department of Economics, Division of Economic and Financial Studies, Macquarie University  [paper 66]
3: "Happiness in the Dual Society of Urban China: Hukou Identity, Horizontal Inequality and Heterogeneous Reference " Shiqing Jiang*, Ming Lu (shiqing.jiang@gmail.com) Fudan University 复旦大学 [paper 37]
4:10 pm-4:30pm
Coffee Break
Parallel sessions 13 and 14
Session 13
Minimum Wage and Income Risk (English)
Chair: Jun Han 韩军 (hanjun@hku.hk) , Hong Kong University
1: "Minimum Wage Impacts on Older Workers:Longitudianl Estimates for Canada " Tony Fang*, Morley Gunderson (tonyfang@yorku.ca) York University  [paper 2]
2: "Minimum Wages and Employment: Reconsidering the Use of a Time-Series Approach as an Evaluation Tool " Wang-Sheng Lee*, Sandy Suardi (wang.lee@unimelb.edu.au) University of Melbourne  [paper 45]
3: "Measuring Income Risk in German Labor Market " Tom Krebs, Yao Yao* (yyao@rumms.uni-mannheim.de) CDSE, University of Mannheim, Germany  [paper 42]
Session 14
Harmonious Society and Happiness in China (Chinese)
Chair: Juan Liu 刘娟 (allanred@163.com) , WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院
1: "A Study on the Marriage Age of Females in China 中国城乡女性初婚年龄模式的研究" Juan Liu 刘娟 (allanred@163.com) WISE, Xiamen University 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院 [paper 104]
2: "Research on the Impact of Rural Public Goods Supply on Farmers’ Public Welfare in Shaanxi Province --- Using Examples of Investment on Public Foundation Establishment Programs" Yaobo Shi (shiyaoboo@163.com) Xi’an Jiaotong University 西安交通大学 [paper 105]
3: "An Empirical Analysis of the Factors Determining the Happiness of Urban Residents in China" Xiliang Zhao (zhaoxiliang@gmail.com) Xiamen University 厦门大学 [paper 106]