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作者:林安语 发布时间:2017-01-09
季学期教学工作顺利进行, 厦门大学王亚南经济研究院(WISE)现决定在王亚南经济研究院和经济学院招聘助教若干名。
  Applications for WISE teaching assistant (TA) positions are accepted now. Please see below the application procedures.
1. 招聘项目(具体课程见报名表格)
 Programs (please refer to the application form for course lists)
招聘项目 Programs
课程类别 Course type
International Undergraduate Experimental Class
Economics, Finance and Statistics courses
Undergraduate Double Degree Programs
Economics, Finance and Statistics courses
WISE-SOE International Master’s Programs
Economics and Statistics courses
WISE MA/PHD Programs
Advanced Economics and Finance courses
2. 助教的主要职责 Main Responsibilities
Teaching assistants should follow the WISE TA Management Ordinance. The TA training session will be conducted in the beginning of the spring semester.]
 随堂听课 (若有专业课冲突需经任课老师批准才可免听,并向负责的教学秘书与项目主管报备)
Attend lectures (If a TA is not able to attend the lectures due to his/her own course schedule, he/she should get permission from the course instructor and report to the corresponding program coordinator and director.)
Grade assignments and exams
Conduct TA sessions (once per week)
 每周2小时的office hour (形式自行与学生协商)
Offer office hours for individual consultation (2 hours per week, coordinate by students and TAs)
Other assigned tasks (such as exam supervision)
注: 双学位翔安班不要求随堂听课,习题课与监考要求每学期各2次,其他职责不变。
Notes for TAs of the Undergraduate Double Degree courses on Xiang’an Campus:  Lecture attendance: not required; TA session: twice per semester; Exam supervision: twice per semester; other responsibilities: the same as that of other TAs
3. 招聘对象 Eligibility
王亚南经济研究院:在读硕博连读生、硕士生、博士生 (2016级硕、博士新生除外)
WISE: current master and PhD students (except for those who were enrolled in September 2016)
SOE: current PhD students
4. 招聘条件 Requirements
Have enthusiasm in studying economics and possess a strong work ethic
Be responsible, hardworking and reliable
Possess strong interpersonal skills and organizational skills
Have a good command of English (preferred)
Passed the course with good performance (preferred)
5. 工作待遇 Payment
助教待遇分项目与修课人数不同 (depends on program and class size):

6. 报名流程 Application Procedures
Please complete the online application form(using the unified account):

7. 咨询人Contact person
1)本科国际化班IUEC: 林老师 (2181776, linanyu.wise@gmail.com)
2)本科双学位Double Degree: 潘老师(2180524,cjxy@xmu.edu.cn
3)国际硕士IntMA: 林老师(2188377,llin.wise@gmail.com)
4)硕博项目MA&PhD: 周老师(2186170,yzhou.wise@gmail.com)

第一轮报名时间:2017110日 中午12:00 - 1月1524:00
Application time: Jan 10, 12:00 noon - Jan 15, 24:00

The results will be announced in February 2017.