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WISE LABOR2010 Program

作者:系统管理员 发布时间:2010-12-08

December 11-12 (Sat-Sun), 2010 

December 11 (Sat), 2010

8:15am – 8:30am  Welcome and Opening Remarks (Jiageng3-220) 

8:30am – 10:00am  Plenary Session I (Jiageng3-220)

        Rising Wages, Industrial Restructuring,  Human Capital Mismatch and China’s Economic Development Challenges
        Scott Rozelle (Standford University) 

        Using Selection on Unobserved Variables to Address Selection on Unobserved Variables
        Christopher Taber (University of Wisconsin, Madison)

10:00am – 10:30am  Group Photo and Coffee Break 

10:30am – 12:30pm  Parallel Sessions 1A, 1B, 1C 

Session 1A. Migration – Decision and Outcome (Jiageng3-220)
Chair: Ott Toomet (Tartu University)  

        Can Grain Subsidy Impede Rural-Urban Migration in Hinterland China? Evidence from Field Surveys 
        Lei Meng (WISE, Xiamen University)
        In Search of a Better Life: The Occupational Attainment of Rural and Urban Migrants in China 
        Dongshu Ou (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 
        The Role of Language in Shaping International Migration: Evidence from OECD Countries 1985-2006 
        Mariola Pytlikova (Aarhus School of Business)  

        Language Skills and Social Integration: Ethnic Disparities in Bilingual Economy 
        Ott Toomet (Tartu University) 

Session 1B. Earnings and Employment in China (Jiageng3-514)
Chair: Tor Eriksson (Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University)  

        Inter-temporal Changes in Ethnic Urban Earnings Inequality in China  
        Samuel Myers (University of Minnesota)  

        Wage Determinants, Industry Entry and Comparative Advantages--China’s Service Industry and Manufacturing Industry: 1988-2002 
        Yu Han (Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)  

        The Effect of Scale on Job Getting: Evidence from Urban China 
        Hong Gao (Fudan University)  

        The Role of Family Background for Earnings in Rural China  
        Tor Eriksson (Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University) 

Session 1C. Education Attainment (Jiageng3-215)
Chair: Elisabetta Magnani (University of New South Wales) 
        The Role of Parental Investments for Cognitive and Noncognitive Skill Formation – Evidence for the First 11 Years of Life 
        Karsten Reuß (Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW)) 
        Competition for Care? Care-Giving to the Elderly and Children’s Education in the Face of Bequest-Regulating Social Norms 
        Elisabetta Magnani (University of New South Wales) 
        The Effects of Parents’ Layoffs on Children’s Entrance to Higher Schools in China  
        Wei Song (China Center for Economic Research, Peking University) 

12:30pm – 2:00pm  Lunch (Yifu Building) 

2:00pm – 3:30pm  Plenary Session II (Jiageng3-220) 
Chair: Gordon Hanson (University of California, San Diego)  

        Human Capital Investment and the Gender Division of Labor in a Brawn-Based Economy 
        Mark R. Rosenzweig (Yale University)  

        Economic Crisis, Labor Regulation, and Employment in China 
        Albert Park (Oxford University) 

3:30pm – 4:00pm  Coffee Break 

4:00pm – 6:00pm  Parallel Sessions 2A, 2B, 2C 

Session 2A. Migration – Immigrant Assimilation (Jiageng3-220)
Chair: Richard Mueller (University of Lethbridge)  

        Economic and Cultural Assimilation and Integration of Immigrants in Europe 
        Mariya Aleksynska (CEPII) 
        Ethnic Identity and Labor Market Integration: Evidence from Denmark 
        Cédric Gorinas (Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University)  

        Why Do So Many Immigrants and Their Children Attend University? Some (More) Evidence For Canada 
        Richard Mueller (University of Lethbridge)  

        Relationship between Immigrants Characteristics and Assimilation Pattern: The Case of China-Hong Kong Migration 
        Michael Chi Man Ng (The Open University of Hong Kong) 

Session 2B. Gender Differences (Jiageng3-514)
Chair: Kailing Shen (WISE, Xiamen University and IZA)  

        Minimum Wage, Fringe Benefits, Overtime Payments and the Gender Wage Gap  
        Kemal Kizilca (Ankara University)  

        Gender Discrimination in Job Ads: Theory and Evidence  
        Kailing Shen (WISE, Xiamen University and IZA)  

        Semiparametric Varying-coefficient Instrumental Variables Models 
        Ying Fang (WISE, Xiamen University) 

Session 2C. Unemployment and Job Search (Jiageng3-215)
Chair: Martin Scheffel (ZEW Mannheim)  

        A Macroeconomic Model for the Evaluation of Labor Market Reforms  
        Martin Scheffel (ZEW Mannheim)  

        Unemployment Benefits in the Period of Crisis: the Effect on Unemployment Duration 
        Anne Lauringson (University of Tartu)  

        Match Me if You Can: Wage Secrecy and Matching in a Search Model  
        Moshik Lavie (Bar-Ilan University)  

        Can’t SBTC Explain the U.S. Wage Inequality Dynamics? 
        Chi Man Yip (City University of Hong Kong) 

6:00pm – 8:00pm  Dinner (Yifu Building)

December 12 (Sun), 2010

8:30am – 10:00am  Plenary Session III (Jiageng3-220) 
Chair: Chun-Chung Au (WISE, Xiamen University) 
        The China Syndrome: Local Labor Market Effects of Import Competition in the U.S. 
        Gordon H. Hanson (University of California, San Diego)  

        China’s College Entrance Exam 
        Hongbin Li (Tsinghua University) 

10:00am – 10:30am  Coffee Break 

10:30am – 12:30pm  Parallel Sessions 3A, 3B 

Session 3A. Trade and Productivity (Jiageng3-220)
Chair: Suqin Ge (Virginia Tech)  

        Trade Liberalization, Firm Heterogeneity, and Wages: New Evidence from Matched Employer-Employee Data 
        Jennifer Poole (University of California, Santa Cruz)
        Employment Growth and International Trade: A Small Open Economy Perspective  
        Frederic Warzynski (Aarhus University) 
        Accounting for Rising Wages in China 
        Suqin Ge (Virginia Tech) 
        Organization Adjustments, Job Training and Productivity: Evidence from Japanese Automobile Makers 
        Masaru Sasaki (Osaka University) 

Session 3B. Education in China (Jiageng3-514)
Chair: Xinzheng Shi (Tsinghua University)  

        Peer Effects on Student Achievement: An Instrumental Variable Approach Using School Transition Data 
        Hongliang Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong)  

        The Impact of Class Quality on Students’ Educational Performance: Evidence from a Natural Experiment in China 
        Xinzheng Shi (Tsinghua University)  

        Socioeconomic Statuses, Students’ On-Campus Performance and Inequalities in Their First Job Salaries: the Evidence from the Chinese Labour Market 
        Suyu Liu (Oxford University)  

        A Control Function Approach to Estimating the Returns to Schooling in Urban China 
        Yafeng Wang (WISE, Xiamen University) 

12:30pm – 2:30pm  Lunch (Nanputuo Temple, Vegetarian Food) 

2:30pm – 3:15pm  Plenary Session IV (Jiageng3-220) 
Chair: Tor Eriksson (Aarhus School of Business, Aarhus University) 
        Son Preference, Gender Composition, and Parental Time Allocation: Evidence from Rural China 
        Junsen Zhang (Chinese University of Hong Kong) 

3:15pm – 3:45pm  Coffee Break 

3:45pm – 5:45pm  Parallel Sessions 4A, 4B, 4C 

Session 4A. Social Environment and Family (Jiageng3-220)
Chair: Xi Chen (Cornell University)  

        Network Centrality, Market Access and Social Spending Inflation: A Case Study of Gift Network in Rural China 
        Xi Chen (Cornell University)  

        The Influence of Social Environment on Intergenerational Financial Transfers: Evidence from China 
        Shu Cai (China Center for Economic Research, Peking University)
        Understanding Child Labor in Cameroon  
        Sébastien Djienouassi (National Institute of Statistics, Cameroon) 

Session 4B. Globalization and Labor Market (Jiageng3-514)
Chair: Pedro Martins (Queen Mary University of London)  

        Globalised Labour Markets? International Rent Sharing Across 47 Countries  
        Pedro Martins (Queen Mary University of London)  

        The Nexus between Labor Diversity and Firm’s Innovation  
        Dario Pozzoli (Aarhus University)  

        Labour Demand Adjustment: Does Foreign Ownership Matter? 
        Emmanuel Dhyne (National Bank of Belgium)  

        Do Foreign-Owned Firms Really Pay More? 
        Bo Zhou (WISE, Xiamen University) 

Session 4C. Labor Market in China (in Chinese) (Jiageng3-215)
Chair: 陈贵富 (厦门大学宏观经济研究中心)  


        Rural Migration and Earnings Difference between Sectors in Urban China  
        陈贵富 (厦门大学宏观经济研究中心)  




        新移民和城市居民就业渠道存在差异吗?——基于 CHIP 数据的实证分析 

5:45pm – 7:45pm  Dinner (Seafood Restaurant)