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Call for Papers: The 1st Annual Xiamen University International Workshop o...

作者:系统管理员 发布时间:2012-11-09

Call for Papers: The 1st Annual Xiamen University

International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Institutions

May 18-19, 2013

Xiamen, China

Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE)

and Department of Economics, School of Economics at Xiamen University


We are pleased to announce the call for papers for the First Annual International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Institutions at Xiamen University. We welcome submissions of research papers that adopt the economic approach in analyzing the role of institutions in economic, political, and social development. Institutions are broadly defined here to include both formal arrangements such as the legal system, the government, and their respective rules, as well as informal behavioral patterns including customs and other cultural values. Scholars from disciplines such as economics, history, political science, anthropology, and sociology are encouraged to submit. Potential topics will include the economic analysis of law, regulation, institutions and economic growth, transition economics, and economic history.

It is our honor to have the following distinguished keynote speakers this year:

Daniel Berkowitz (University of Pittsburgh)
James Kung (Hong Kong Science & Technology University)
Scott Masten (University of Michigan)
Sam Peltzman (University of Chicago)
Zhigang Tao (University of Hong Kong)


Researchers who would like to present their work at the conference are invited to submit a draft manuscript to the website of the workshop: http://www.wise.xmu.edu.cn/meetings/Institutional2013/

The submission deadline is March 15, 2013. Decisions of acceptance will be announced by April 1, 2013.

The registration fee is 600 RMB for those whose primary affiliation is with a domestic Chinese institution, and 150 USD for international participants. This registration fee will be waived for students (both domestic and international). Meals will be provided during the course of the workshop, but the participants are expected to cover their own travel and hotel expenses. The registration deadline is April 8, 2013.


General inquiry about the conference should be directed to Cheryl Long (xmueai2013@gmail.com). For logistic affairs, please contact Ms. Ying Huang (ying.eai2013@gmail.com). And for more information on the conference, please see: http://www.wise.xmu.edu.cn/meetings/Institutional2013/.

The annual International Workshop on Economic Analysis of Institutions is part of the effort by WISE and SOE at Xiamen University to establish a leading research center in institutional economics in Asia Pacific.

The economics disciplines in Xiamen University were first established in 1921 and have had a long tradition of excellence in teaching and research, most aptly characterized by a focus on the role of institutions in economic and social development. Mr. Wang Yanan, the former President of Xiamen University for 19 years and the renowned economist who translated Adam Smith's Wealth of the Nation and Karl Marx's Das Kapital into Chinese, guided the rapid development of economics disciplines in XMU since 1949.

In May of 1982, China's State Education Ministry approved the elevation of the Department of Economics to the School of Economics, making it the first school of economics ever established among top universities in mainland China since 1980. In 2005, the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) was founded, as a recent effort by Xiamen University to build a first class modern economics research institute and to facilitate international research and academic exchanges. Currently, SOE and WISE are working close together to promote Xiamen University as one of the major centers for economic research and education in Asia Pacific.

For more information about WISE and SOE, please see: http://www.wise.xmu.edu.cn/english/index.asp,

and http://se.xmu.edu.cn/English/default.aspx.

Xiamen is located in Southeast China and has convenient direct flights to many major cities in Asia. It is famous for its resort like atmosphere and has a reputation as the cleanest and most livable Chinese city. Interesting places near Xiamen include the UNESCO World Heritage Hakka Earth Buildings, Gulangyu (Piano Island) and Wuyi Mountain.

For more information on the city of Xiamen, please go to:



Jingjing Cai (SOE, Xiamen University)
Shihe Fu (WISE, Xiamen University)
Jianhua Jiao (SOE, Xiamen University)
Xiaoqiong Lai, Co-Chair (WISE&SOE, Xiamen University)
Minshu Lin (SOE, Xiamen University)
Cheryl Long, Co-Chair (WISE&SOE, Xiamen University)
Lei Meng (WISE, Xiamen University)

Program Overview

Saturday, May 18, 2013
Opening Ceremony (Venue: Econ N302)
Plenary Session (Econ N302)
Keynote lecture I:
On the Evolution of Collective Enforcement Institutions:
Communities and Courts
Scott Masten (University of Michigan)
Keynote lecture II:
Law, Politics and Finance
Daniel Berkowitz (University of Pittsburgh)
Group Photo and Tea Break
Parallel Sessions I-1, I-2
Session I-1: Political Economy (Venue: Econ N302)
Chair: Cheryl Long (Xiamen University)
Huihua Nie (Renmin University of China)
Luhang Wang (Xiamen University)
Cheryl Long (Xiamen University)
Jiwei Qian (National University of Singapore)
Huihua Nie (RUC), Luhang Wang (Xiamen University)
Session I-2 : Theoretical Approach (Venue: Econ N303)
Chair: Mouhua Liao (Xiamen University)
Lex Zhao (Kobe University)
Yan Wu (Wageningen University, The Netherlands)
Peng Sui (Shandong University)
Yongjing Zhang (University of Ottawa)
Lex Zhao (Kobe University), Xi Yang (Xiamen University)
Plenary Session (Econ N302)
Keynote lecture III:
Career Incentives under Authoritarianism: Evidence from China's Local Leaders
James Kung ( The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology )
Parallel Sessions II-1, II-2, II-3
Session II-1: Economic History (Venue: Econ N302)
Chair: Luhang Wang (Xiamen University)
Li Yang (Xiamen University)
Meng Xue (George Mason University)
Wang Yahua (Tsinghua University)
Discussant: James Kung (HKUST)
Session II-2 : Firm Behaviors (Venue: Econ N303)
Chair: Qian Han (Xiamen University)
Li-an Zhou (Peking University)
Jin Yang (Xiamen University)
Qian Han (Xiamen University)
Discussant: Cheryl Long (Xiamen University)
Session II-3: Externality & Public Policy (Venue: Econ N409)
Chair: Shihe Fu (Xiamen University)
Shihe Fu (Xiamen University)
Elumalai Kannan (Institute for Social and Economic Change)
Juncheng Feng (Xiamen University)
Discussant: Sen Geng (Xiamen University)
Tea Break
Parallel Sessions III-1, III-2, III-3
Session III-1 : Long-term Impact of History (Venue: Econ N302)
Chair: Pinghan Liang (SWUFE)
Yunsen Li (Xiamen University)
Pinghan Liang (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
Qiang Li (Southwest University for Nationalities)
Discussant: Ye Chen (Xiamen University)
Session III-2 : Regional Competition (Venue: Econ N303)
Chair: Xiaofang Dong (Xiamen University)
Jing Zhang (Xiamen University)
Yanli Zhu (Xiamen University)
Xiaofang Dong (Xiamen University)
Discussant: Li-an Zhou (Peking University)
Session III-3 : Behavioral Economics (Venue: Econ N409)
Chair: Maoliang Ye (RUC)
Maoliang Ye (Renmin University of China)
Ting Wang (Zhejiang University)
Veicheng Yu (Asian Institute of Management)
Discussant: Shihe Fu (Xiamen University)
Sunday, May 19, 2013
Plenary Session (Econ N302)
Keynote lecture IV: Regulation and The Wealth of Nations
Sam Peltzman (University of Chicago)
Keynote lecture V: The Twin Costs of State Capitalism
Zhigang Tao (University of Hong Kong)
Tea Break
Parallel Sessions IV-1, IV-2,IV-3
Session IV-1: Law and Crime (Venue: Econ N302)
Chair: Yanan Liu ( Xiamen University)
Jun Wang (Xiamen University)
Cheng Li (University of Miami)
Michael Rochlitz (IMT Lucca)
Yue Qiao (Shandong University)
Cheng Li (University of Miami), Shihe Fu (Xiamen University)
Session IV-2: Labor Market & Regulation (Venue: Econ N303)
Chair: Kailing Shen (Xiamen University)
Lei Meng (Xiamen University)
Jiong Gong (University of International Business and Economics)
Lixin Colin Xu (World Bank)
Kailing Shen (Xiamen University)
Lixin Colin Xu (World Bank), Lei Meng (Xiamen University)
Session IV-3: Institutions and Society (Venue: Econ N409)
Chair: Ruojuan Zheng ( Xiamen University)
Mouhua Liao (Xiamen University)
Lin Zhang (Southwestern University of Finance and Economics)
Shuguang Jiang (Shandong University)
Zitong Liu (Shandong University)
Lin Zhang (SWUFE), Zitong Liu (Shandong University)
名家讲坛 (地点: 经济楼 N302
主题讲演 I: 关于制度环境建设的经济学思考
主题讲演 II: 新中国60年制度变迁与经济增长的逻辑
靳涛 (厦门大学)
平行会场: 第一分会场、第二分会场
第一分会场:新政治经济学 (地点: 经济楼 N302)
主席:赵建 (厦门大学)
刘冲 (北京大学)
聂辉华 (中国人民大学)
张同龙 (天津师范大学)
讨论人:龙小宁 (厦门大学)
第二分会场:制度的成因与影响 (地点: 经济楼 N303)
主席:焦建华 (厦门大学)
王军辉 (厦门大学)
焦建华 (厦门大学)
讨论人:靳涛 (厦门大学)