2009 International Symposium on Contemporary Labor Economics (LABOR 2009)
December 12 - 13, 2009
Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE)
Xiamen University, China, and
Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW), Germany
December 12, 2009
Session 0 (8:15am-8:30am, Location:Ke-Li Building ): Welcome and Opening Remarks
Session 1 (8:30am-10:00am, English, Ke-Li Building) Keynote Session I
[1] 8:30-9:15: James Albrecht, “Decomposing Differences in Distributions - Applications of the Machado-Mata Method,” Georgetown University,
[2] 9:15-10:00: David Neumark, “Neighbors and Co-Workers: The Importance of Residential Labor Market Networks,” University of California – Irvine,
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break (Ke-Li Building)
Session 2A (10:30am-12:00pm, English, D310, Economics Building): Discrimination
Session Chair:
Holger Bonin, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW Mannheim),
[1] 10:30-11:00:
Chun-Chung Au, “Labor Market Opportunities and Education Choice of Male Black and White Youths,” WISE, Xiamen University,
[2] 11:00-11:30: Melanie Arntz,
Holger Bonin, and Felix Hörisch, “Does Discrimination Explain Occupational Segregation by Sex? Evidence from Local Gender Imbalances in Post-Unification Germany,” Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW Mannheim),
[3] 11:30-12:00: Vladimír Hlásny, “Uncertainty about Job Applicants: Search, Profiling and Discrimination,” Ewha Womans University, Korea,
Session 2B (10:30am-12:00pm, English, D309, Economics Building): Education Economics
Session Chair:
Anja Heinze, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW Mannheim),
[1] 10:30-11:00: Thomas Gries and
Natasa Bilkic, “Stay in School or Start Working? The Human Capital Investment Decision under Uncertainty and Irreversibility,” University of Paderborn,
[2] 11:00-11:30: Xinzheng Shi, “Does an Intra-household Flypaper Effect Exist? Evidence from an Educational Fee Reduction Performs in Rural China,” Tsinghua University,
[3] 11:30-12:00: Rong Zhu, “The Impact of Major-Job Mismatch on Chinese College Graduates' Earnings: A Nonparametric Approach ,” University of New South Wales,
12:00pm-2:30pm: Lunch
Session 3A (2:30pm-4:00pm, English, D310): Poverty and Income Inequality
[1] 2:30-3:00: Tor, Eriksson, and
Yingqiang Zhang, “Inequality of Opportunity and Income Inequality in Nine Chinese Provinces, 1989-2006,” Aarhus University,
tor@asb.dk and
[2] 3:00-3:30: Han Jun, “Globalization, Inequality and Poverty in China,” Nankai University,
[3] 3:30-4:00: Hongbin Li, Jin Ye, and
Binzhen Wu, “Income Inequality, Status Seeking, and Consumption,”
Tsinghua University,
Session 3B (2:30pm-4:00pm, English, D309): Labor Market Dynamics
[2] 3:00-3:30:
Lei Tian, Renmin University of China, H. Holly Wang, Purdue University, and Yongjun Chen, , Renmin University of China, “Spatial Externalities in China Regional Economic Growth,”
[3] 3:30-4:00: Tong Wang and Pei Kuang, “Labor Market Dynamics with Searching Friction and Fair Wage Considerations,” Goethe University Frankfurt,
4:00-4:30: Coffee Break
Session 4A (4:30pm-6:00pm, English, D310): Gender Wage Differentials
Session Chair:
Thomas Walter, Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW Mannheim),
[1] 4:30-5:00: Anja Heinze, “Beyond the Mean Gender Wage Gap: Decomposition of Differences in Qage Distributions Using Quantile,” Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW Mannheim),
[2] 5:00-5:30: Weiwei REN, “Gender Differences in the Return to Schooling in China,” University of Western Australia,
[3] 5:30-6:00: Johanna Rickne, “Competition and Gender-skill-differentials in Earnings and Productivity: Evidence from China's Industrial Sector,” Uppsala Univertisy and Stockholm Research Institute,
Session 4B (4:30pm-6:00pm, English, D309):
[1] 4:30-5:00: Semih Tumen, “A Hedonic Approach to the Quantity-Quality Theory,” University of Chicago and the Central Bank of Turk,
[2] 5:00-5:30: Kai Yan, “Social Network and Labor Market Outcomes: a Signaling Approach,” Peking University,
[3] 5:30-6:00: Lei Meng, “Bride Drain: Rising Female Migration and Declining Male Marriage Rates in Rural China,” WISE, Xiamen University,
6:00pm-8:00pm: Dinner
December 13, 2009
Session 5 (8:30am-10:00am, English, D309) Keynote Session II
[2] 9:15-10:00:
Susan Vroman, “Applying Job Search Theory to Economies with Informal Labor Markets.” Georgetown University,
10:00-10:30: Coffee Break
Session 6A (10:30am-12:00pm, English, D310): Migration in China
[1] 10:30-11:00: Feng Hu, “Circular Migration, or Permanent Stay? Evidence from China's Urban-Rural Migration,” University of Science and Technology Beijing,
[2] 11:00-11:30: Zhaopeng Qu, and
Zong Zhao, “The Evolution of Chinese Rural-Urban Migrants Labor Market from 2002 to 2007,” Nanjing University,
[3] 11:30-12:00: Démurger Sylvie, and Hui Xu, “Return Migration and Occupational Change in Rural China: a Case Study of Wuwei County,” CNRS, GATE, University of Lyon,
Session 6B (10:30am-12:00pm, English, D309): Poverty and Welfare
[1] 10:30-11:00: Hau Chyi, “Job Quality and the Economic Independence of Welfare Users,” WISE, Xiamen University,
[2] 11:00-11:30: Thomas Gries and
Stefan Gravemeyer, “Poverty in Urban China: The Case of Shenzhen,” University of Paderborn,
Session 6C (10:30am-12:00pm, English, D109): Labor Market Trends
Session Chair: Michael Orszag, Watson Wyatt Worldwide, Inc. mike.orszag@watsonwyatt.com
[1] 10:30-11:00: Ping Ching Winnie Chan, “Impact of the Recent Economic Downturn on the Canadian Labour Market,” Statistics Canada,
2] 11:00-11:30: Xin Meng,
Kailing Shen, Sen Xue, “Economic Reform, Education Expansion, and Earnings Inequality for Urban Males in China, 1988-2007,”
[3] 11:30-12:00: Michael Orszag, “The Wage Premium on Skilled Labor: How Will It Evolve in the Next Decade?” Watson Wyatt Worldwide, Inc. mike.orszag@watsonwyatt.com
12:00pm-2:30pm: Lunch
Session 7A (2:30pm-4:00pm, English, D309): Human Capital and Wage
[1] 2:30-3:00: Wei-dong Jin, “Human Capital, Technical Advance and Economic Growth,” Shandong University of Finance and Economics,
[2] 3:00-3:30:
Wim Meeusen, “The Estimation of the Efficiency Wage Effect,” University of Antwerp (Belgium),
[3] 3:30-4:00: Bo Zhou, and Hau Chyi, “The Effects of Education Policies on School Enrollment in China,” WISE, Xiamen University,
Session 7B (2:30pm-4:00pm, English, D310): Labor Market Outcomes of Immigrants
Session Chair: Hubert Jayet, University of Science and Technology of Lille, Hubert.Jayet@univ-lille1.fr
[1] 2:30-3:00: Tony Fang, “Immigration, Ethnic Wage Differentials and Output Pay,” York University,
[2] 3:00-3:30: Brahim Boudarbat and Maude Boulet, “The Impact of Canadian Credentials on the Labour Market Outcomes of Immigrants in Canada,” University of Montreal,
[3] 3:30-4:00: Hubert Jayet, “Network Effects and the Location of Immigrants within the host Country: Evidence from Switzerland,” University of Science and Technology of Lille,
Session 7C (2:30pm-4:00pm, English, D109): Determinants of Economic Outcomes
[1] 2:30-3:00: Andrea Mühlenweg, “Young and Innocent: International Evidence on Age Effects within Grades on School Victimization in Elementary School,” Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW Mannheim),
[2] 3:00-3:30: Julia Horstschraeer and Grit Muehler, “Childcare and Child Development at School Entry,” Centre for European Economic Research (ZEW Mannheim),
[3] 3:30-4:00: Yuan Emily Tang, “A Re-Examination of the Relationship between Crime and Inequality: A Panel Analysis of United States Areas,” University of California San Diego,
4:00-4:30: Coffee Break
Session 8A (4:30pm-6:00pm, Chinese, D109, 中文场)
Session Chair: Guifu Chen, Center for Macroeconomic Research, Xiamen University, chenguifu@xmu.edu.cn.
[1] 4:30-5:00: Guifu Chen, “Formal Employment, Informal Employment, Income Differentials, Chinese Labor Market,” Center for Macroeconomic Research, Xiamen University, chenguifu@xmu.edu.cn.
[2] 5:00-5:30: Tongqian Zou, “The Development Model of Rural Tourism,” Beijing International Studies University, no1fang@163.com.
[3] 5:30-6:00: 王鑫, “关井政策对煤炭行业的影响:理论与实证,” 清华大学经济管理学院经济系, wangx2.04@gmail.com.
Session 8B (4:30pm-6:00pm, English, D310): Labor Market Issues in Developing Economies
[1] 4:30-5:00: Yéro Baldé, “Remittances, Institutions and Growth in Sub-saharan Africa,” Université de Limoges, France,
[2] 5:00-5:30: Yongil Jeon* and Tae Hong Kim**, “Work-Family Integration: Interdependence of Female Employment and Fertility Decisions,” *:
Sungkyunkwan University, **:Korean Women’s Development Institute.
[3] 5:30-6:00: Hassan Essop and Derek Yu, “Alternative Definitions of Informal Sector Employment in South Africa,” Stellenbosch University, South Africa dereky@sun.ac.za; essop@sun.ac.za
Session 8C (4:30pm-6:00pm, English, D309): Life Satisfaction and the Economics of the Elderly
1] 4:30-5:00: Shu Cai, “Could Social Participation Delay Senescence on Cognition for the Elderly? Evidence from China,” Peking University,
[2] 5:00-5:30 Francesco Ferrante, “Education, Aspirations and Life Satisfaction”, Universita’di Cassino,
[3] 5:30-6:00: Chao Jiang, “How Would Non-Adult Grandchildren Affect Living Arrangements of the Elderly? Evidence from CHARLS,” Peking University,
6:00pm-8:00pm: Dinner
December 14, 2009
8:00am-1:00pm, Sight-seeing to Gu-Lang Island
8:00am: Bus Departure at the Front gate of Yi-Fu Building
12:00: Lunch
1:00pm, Bus Return to Xiamen University