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作者:邓晶晶 发布时间:2016-10-31
     世界著名经济学家、美国普林斯顿大学1913班名誉政治经济学教授与经济学教授、王亚南经济研究院(WISE)学术顾问和客座教授邹至庄(Gregory Chow)教授应邀将于2016年11月来厦,并为学生开设《中国经济专题》短期课程。
² Session 1.  Nov. 21, Monday: 8:00-9:40, Econ. Building N302
       Topic: Banking and Financial System
     Reference: Gregory Chow, China's Economic Transformation, 3rd edition (2015), Wiley Blackwell. Chapter 13.
      Combined with the undergraduate class of "Chinese Economy"
² Session 2.  Nov. 23, Wednesday: 16:40-18:20, Econ Building N402
      Topic: Methods of Economic Analysis
      Combine with the Introductory Field Seminar to Freshmen
² Session 3.  Nov. 25, Friday: 14:30-16:10, Econ. Building C208
      Topic: An Introduction to Environmental Economics
     Reference: 1) Gregory Chow, Economic Analysis of Environmental Problems, 2015, World Scientific. Chapter 1.
       2) Gregory Chow, China's Economic Transformation, 3rd edition (2015), Wiley Blackwell. Chapter 10.
   Combined with the undergraduate class of "Urban Economics”
² Session 4 . Nov. 28, Monday: 8:00-9:40, Econ. Building N302
     Topic: Reform in Agriculture and Rural Poverty
     Reference: Gregory Chow, China's Economic Transformation, 3rd edition, 2015, Wiley Blackwell. Chapter 4.
     Combined with the undergraduate class of "Chinese Economy"
² Session 5.  Nov. 30, Wednesday: 16:40-18:20, Econ Building N302
      Topic: Relevance of Economic Analysis to Economic Policy
     Combine with the Introductory Field Seminar to Freshmen
² Session 6.  Dec. 2, Friday: 14:30-16:10, Econ. Building C208
       Topic: Housing Prices in Urban China as Determined by Demand and Supply
     Reference: Chow, G. and L. Niu, 2015, "Housing Prices in Urban China as Determined by Demand and Supply", Pacific Economic Review, 20(1), pp.1-16.
     Combined with the undergraduate class of "Urban Economics”.