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Call for Papers--XMU-Antwerp-Lille 2nd Joint Microeconomics Workshop

作者:系统管理员 发布时间:2011-02-11
The Department of Economics of Universiteit Antwerpen (Belgium), the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics (WISE) of Xiamen University (P.R. China) and the EQUIPPE Research Centre of Université Lille 1 (France) organise their 2nd Joint Microeconomics Workshop on the 9th and the 10th of June 2011 in Antwerp, following a first workshop organised in Xiamen in 2010.

The topics are ‘microeconomics’ in the broad sense. In particular, we welcome papers on the following subjects:

-         urban, migration and labour market issues,

-         issues of industrial organisation and policy,

-         public economics: taxation, provision of public goods and infrastructure,

-         microeconomics of financial markets,

-         applications of financial and real options.

The formula of the workshop is one of intense interaction between the presenter and the audience. Each paper will be assigned to a discussant, and all papers are discussed in plenary sessions. There are no parallel sessions. Only a limited number of papers will be presented (approximately three per university). Potential contributors should submit an abstract, before April 15 to the following local contact persons:

Prof. Jan Bouckaert, for Universiteit Antwerpen (Dep. of Economics)(jan.bouckaert@ua.ac.be),

Prof. Linlin Niu, for Xiamen University (WISE) (linlin.niu@gmail.com),

Prof. Hubert Jayet, for Université Lille 1 (EQUIPPE) (hubert.jayet@univ-lille1.fr).

Full papers should be made available to the participants of the workshop before May 20.Details on practical arrangements about accommodation will be communicated to the participants at a later date.

The venue: Universiteit Antwerpen, Department of Economics, Prinsstraat 13, 2000 – Antwerpen.
