2006 WISE—SMU Symposium on Finance
June 18, 2006
Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics, Xiamen University, Xiamen, China
Finance Division, School of Business, Singapore Management University, Singapore
June 18, 2006, D110, Economic Building
Section 1(8:30 am-9:30am):Keynote Lecture
Seciton Chair: Ming Zheng, Department of Finance, School of Economics, and WISE, Xiamen Unitversity
[1] 8:30 -9:20:“How Much of the Corporate Bond Spread Is Due to Taxes?”
Chunchi Wu, School of Management, Singapore Management University and School of Management, Syracuse University
Section 2(9:20 am-10:20am):
Seciton Chair: Yue Pan, Department of Finance, School of Economics, and WISE, Xiamen Unitversity
[1] 9:20 -9:50:“管制、自由化与金融脆弱性:一个统一的分析框架”, Ming Zheng and Fengjie He, Department of Finance , School of Economics, and WISE, Xiamen Unitversity
[2]9:50-10:20: “基于收益率的我国上市银行脆弱性成因研究”, Ming Zheng and Huaizhen Zhu, Department of Finance , School of Economics, and WISE, Xiamen Unitversity
10:20-10:45: Coffee Break
Section 2 (Continue)
[3] 10:45-11:15:“我国上市公司股权分置改革中对价支付影响因素的理论和实证分析,” Chaopeng WU, Fangbiao Zheng, Zhouyong Lin , Wenqiang Li , Shinong Wu, School of management, and WISE, Xiamen niversity
[4] 11:15-11:45: “上市公司的自由现金流量偏好研究”,Yi Yang, Xiamen National Accounting Institute
[5] 11:45-12:15:“中国股票市场波动的特征、估计与预测研究,” Linlin Duan, WISE, Xiamen University
12:15pm-1:40pm: Lunch
Section 3(1:40 pm-2:30pm)
Seciton Chair: Guojin Chen, WISE and Department of Finance, School of Economics, Xiamen University
[1] 1:40-2:30:“Uninfomative Data, and Information Avalanche - What can we learn
from some Chinese data?” Maozhu Lu, School of Social Sciences, University of Southampton, UK
Section 4(2:30 pm-5:00pm):
Seciton Chair: Rong Chen, Department of Finance ,School of Economics,And WISE, Xiamen Unitversity
[1] 2:30-3:00:“The Relative Efficiency of Corporate Bond to Stock Markets”,Hai Lin, Department of Finance ,School of Economics,And WISE, Xiamen Unitversity
[2] 3:00-3:30: “交叉上市、风险分散与溢出效应”, Jing Wang, Department of Finance, School of Economics,Xiamen Unitversity
3:30pm-4:00pm: Coffee Break
Section 4 (Continue):
[3] 4:00-4:30: “境外上市能放松公司的融资约束吗?”, Guojin Chen, Lei Wang, WISE and Department of Finance, Xiamen University
[4] 4:30-5:00: “中国H股折价现象的实证分析”,Yue Pan, Department of Finance , School of Economics, and WISE, Xiamen Unitversity
[5] 5:00-5:30: “巨灾风险背景下保险风险证券化与再保险的“共生”关系分析”, Zhengtang Zhao, Department of Finance , School of Economics,Xiamen Unitversity
Section5(5:30 pm-6:30pm): How to Do Research in Finance and Economics?
Section Chair: Guojin Chen, WISE and Department of Finance, Xiamen University
5:00 -6:00: Maozhu Lu, School of Social Sciences University of Southampton, UK
Henry Y.Wan, Cornell University, USA
Chunchi Wu, Singapore Management University and Syracuse University
6:30pm-8:30pm: Dinner
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