林季红, 刘莹 厦门大学学报( 哲学社会科学版) 20200220
Private Chinese Investment in Ethiopia: Determinants and Location Decisions
MEBRATU SEYOUM, JIHONG LIN Journal of International Devel 20200220
林季红, 杨俊玲 国际贸易问题 20200220
林季红 世界经济 20200220
Does Pay Raise Decrease Temporary Agency Workers’ Voluntary Turnover Over Time in China? Understanding the Moderating Role of Demographics
Li Lin, Changwei Mo, Yuntao Bai, Dong Liu The International Journal of H 20190808
Impacts of booming economic growth and urbanization on carbon dioxide emissions in Chinese megalopolises over 1985–2010: an index decomposition analysis
Lina Meng, Wina HJ Crijns-Graus, Ernst Worrell, Bo Huang Energy Efficiency 20190711
Foreign Asset Accumulation among Emerging Market Economies: a Case for Coordination
Hao Jin, Hewei Shen Review of Economic Dynamics 20190708
A Bayesian Nonparametric Spiked Process Prior for Dynamic Model Selection
Alberto Cassese, Weixuan Zhu, Michele Guindani, Marina Vannucci Bayesian Analysis 20190708
What Is the Focus of Structural Reform in China?—Comparison of the Factor Misallocation Degree within the Manufacturing Industry with a Unified Model
Laiqun Jin, Changwei Mo, Bochao Zhang, Bing Yu Sustainability 20190708
熊琛, 金昊 中国工业经济 20190708