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WISE Exchange Opportunities for 2016/17 Spring Semester

Author:林琳 Date:2016-10-08



No. Exchange Institution Level of Study Exchange Period Max. Number Target Students
1 Aarhus University, Denmark BA or MA Spring Semester 2 BA  WISE IUEC, WISE-SOE Intl MA, WISE MA; SOE BA, SOE MA
2 Bocconi University, Italy MA or PhD Spring Semester 1 WISE MA (academic track), WISE 1st & 2nd year PhD
3 Cantabria University, Spain BA or MA Spring Semester 2 BA & 2 MA WISE IUEC, WISE-SOE Intl MA, WISE MA; SOE BA, SOE MA
4 Humboldt University, Germany MA Spring Semester 2 WISE MA
5 Ozyegin University, Turkey BA or MA Spring Semester 2 WISE IUEC, WISE-SOE Intl MA, WISE MA 
6 University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain BA Spring Semester 2 WISE IUEC, SOE BA
7 University of Applied Sciences bfi Vienna, Austria MA Spring Semester 2 WISE-SOE Intl MA, WISE MA (professional track), SOE MA (professional track)

* Undergraduate applicants should have completed at least their first two years of studies at XMU before they enter the exchange program of the host university.


Step 1. Online application

Please complete the online application form at:

Step 2. Hard copy submission

Please submit hard copies of the following documents to A207 Economics Building (postgraduate exchange application) or A207 Economics Building (undergraduate exchange application):

A. One signed copy of the student statement (click to download)

B. One hard copy of academic transcript printed from the student self-service machine. Please ask your program coordinator to write down your GPA of major courses 专业课绩点 (BA students) or your average major course rank weighted by course credits 专业课标准分 (MA or PhD students) on your transcript and sign his/her name.

C. Language certificates or other supporting documents

Application Deadline:
17:00, Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Undergraduate exchange program application
Angela Lin | A207 Economics Building | 0592-2181776 | 

Postgraduate exchange program application
Lin Lin | A207 Economics Building | 0592-2188377 |