On November 25, the 2024 Workshop on Recent Advances in Panel Data Analysis, Microeconometrics and Applied Microeconomics was held in the Economics Building of Xiamen University (XMU). The workshop was co-organized by XMU Paula and Gregory Chow Institute for Studies in Economics Research, the Centre for Forecasting Science at the Academy of Mathematics and Systems Science of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS), and the XMU-CAS Basic Science Center for Econometric Modeling and Economic Policy Studies.

Prof. Cheng Hsiao from University of Southern California and Prof. Songnian Chen from Zhejiang University were invited to give keynote speeches. Special sessions on topics such as panel data and factor modeling, microeconometrics, and applied microeconomics were arranged. This workshop, aimed at promoting new developments and applications of econometrics and applied microeconomics, provided a platform for scholars to present and exchange ideas, and explore the latest research advances and frontier theories in the fields of panel data, microeconometrics, applied microeconomics, etc.