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The Fifth Greater China Area Finance Conference Held at XMU

Author: Date:2024-07-02

On June 29-30, the 5th Greater China Area Finance Conference, themed “Finance Research in the Era of AI, was held in the Economics Building of Xiamen University (XMU), with over 80 scholars from domestic and international academic institutions attending the conference. The conference, centering on the applications of large AI models in finance, discusses how to utilize the advantages of artificial intelligence in the era of digital intelligence to propel the development of “technology finance, green finance, inclusive finance, pension finance and digital finance” and to better serve the high-quality development of the real economy.

Four keynote speakers, including Prof. Guofu Zhou from Washington University in St. Louis, Prof. Jia Li from Singapore Management University, Prof. Dragon Tang from the University of Hong Kong, and Prof. Dong Lou from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, gave wonderful plenary speeches. The topics of the keynote speeches are “ChatGPT, ML Models and Portfolio Optimization,A General Test for Functional Inequalities”, “Climate Regulations and Corporate Demand for ESG Talent” and “Inferring Mutual Fund Intra-Quarter Trading: An Application to ESG Window Dressing respectively.

Intelligent productivity generated by the mass application of large AI models is an important aspect of new quality productive forces. During the one-and-a-half-day conference, a total of nearly 60 scholars reported papers in 14 sessions, covering a wide range of topics related to AI and finance.

The 5th Greater China Area Finance Conference 2024 hosted by the College of Economics, Xiamen University came to a successful conclusion. The College of Economics has so far organized five Greater China Area Finance Conferences which have been held biennially since 2016, inviting a number of top international scholars of finance to deliver speeches.