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Student Tulou Field Trip

Author:林琳 Date:2016-11-22
As is the tradition at this time of the semester at the Wang Yanan Institute for Studies in Economics and the School of Economics of Xiamen University , a autumn outing (秋游) was arranged for students in the WISE-SOE international master's program. This year saw the students take a one-day trip to one of the most remarkable places in Fujian province, the Tulou of Nanjing County.  The Tulou are earthen buildings unique to the mountainous areas of Fujian. After a three hours bus ride and a delicious midday meal we started our walk through the Hakka buildings.
These amazing buildings were built by the Hakka people who are known for having migrated from the central region of China to settle in the mountainous areas of the southeastern part of Fujian. These rectangular and circular buildings were built using soil mixed with stones, bamboo, wood and other materials to form strong walls approximately 6 feet thick. They are known for being earthquake proof and are about five stories high. The largest of them could house up to 800 people.  
These people showed off their entrepreneurial spirit: handmade crafts, local tea, and fruits were all available to sample. Passion fruit is a particularly common delicacy  in the region,  whose growing is favored by the good red soils in this area.
Beautiful was the day but it had to end.  At the conclusion of our tour of these amazing buildings and its beautiful people, we were all left more so informed about this fascinating area of China and its history.
By Winnie Josephine Namutebi
Student Assistant
Class of 2015 student of WISE-SOE International Master’s Programs