Forecasting the term structure of option implied volatility: The power of an adaptive method
Ying Chen, Qian Han, Linlin Niu Journal of Empirical Finance 20181201
Race-Specific Urban Wage Premia and the Black-White Wage Gap
Elizabeth Ananat, Shihe Fu, Stephen L. Ross Journal of Urban Economics 20181115
WTO Accession and Performance of Chinese Manufacturing Firms
Loren Brandt, Johannes Van Biesebroeck, Luhang Wang, Yifan Zhang American Economic Review 20181010
Self-weighted LAD-based Inference for Heavy-Tailed Threshold Autoregressive Models
Yaxing Yang, Shiqing Lin Journal of Econometrics 20181010
韩乾, 袁宇菲 经济研究 20181010
Box Office Buzz: Does Social Media Data Steal The Show from Model Uncertainty When Forecasting for Hollywood?
Steven Lehrer, Tian Xie The Review of Economics and St 20181010
Sparse-Group Independent Component Analysis with Application to Yield Curves Prediction
Ying Chen, Linlin Niu, Ray-Bing Chen, Qiang He Computational Statistics & Dat 20180921
Equilibrium wage rigidity in directed search
Gabriele Camera, Jaehong Kim Journal of Mathematical Econom 20180913
Commute Costs and Labor Supply: Evidence from a Satellite Campus
Shihe Fu, V. Brian Viard Journal of Economic Geography 20180314
王艺明 经济研究 20180228